Several of you reading this know my sweet friend Sarah or have heard me talk about her. Once again, she had brain surgery on Monday to remove a 4cm brain tumor. The doctors wanted to do the surgery on Saturday but Sarah told them she wasn't ready and she choose to have it done on Monday. One of the main reasons she choose to have it done later, was because it would give people longer to pray. Thank you to everyone that spoke her name to the Lord and lifted her up in your prayers! I've attached some updates that I've received from her sweet, sweet Aunt Leigh Ann.....
Monday, March 02, 2009 (from her Aunt Leigh Ann)
Sarah Beth is out of surgery and doing fine! God has been so gracious...the surgeon said that he was able to get a lot of the tissue out - some of it was necrosis, some tumor. she's able to open her eyes, wiggle her toes, lift her arms. she's breathing on her own. She'll be in recovery and ICU tonight. Scans tomorrow. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for all of your prayers for Sarah and for our family. We can't even express how much it means to us. We've been overwhelmed.
Tuesday, March 03, 2009 (from her Aunt Leigh Ann)
Just heard from Greg. Sarah Beth's CT scan was good. She's in pain but is sleeping..was able to eat a little bit..very quiet because talking and moving hurt her sweet head..she's being moved from ICU back to the oncology floor...God is AMAZING! i'm not surprised by His "amazingness"...just in awe of Him.
Now Sarah is out of ICU and back on the Oncology floor with no tubes or any thing else attached to her. She is eating, looking good, and moving around. She is in pain but she just had brain surgery, for the second time. She knows who she is, who everyone else is, where she is, what year it is...all in all doing so much better than when she had her last brain surgery! Prayer is an amazing thing and God has listened to us all! Please continue to keep both Sarah and her family in your prayers throughout her recovery and the start of her chemo.
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