Last week was quite a week! For Madison, it was great! For me on the other hand...I was in need of a little break! We were all very excited to finally get some deep snow! We had between 8 to 12 inches all together, some areas more than others. School was out all week long due to the snow and ice storms we had. We played UNO a million times, sang on the karaoke machine, colored pictures, played in the snow, played baby dolls, watched movies, played the WII, played Spy Gear, played cars, played dress-up, but most of all...drov

e Momma crazy being stuck in the house all week! Many of you know, I'm not one that enjoys just sitting at home. I like to get out and about! Don't get me wrong...I greatly enjoyed Maddie being home all week with me and I also had Caleb, Colton and Mackenzie from Wednesday to Friday but I must say...I was ready to get out of the house! When we woke up Friday morning...more snow and no school. I called Corey at work and told him that I didn't care it if was a blizzard when he got home, we were going to do something. We did end up getting about 4 inches and we were only suppose to get a dusting on Friday, but we managed to get out of the house. We met our good friends, Mitzi, Darwin and Josh for dinner at Chilli's. It was so nice getting out of the house and having "adult" conversations!

Saturday morning Corey and I once again had our "free weekend" with no kids and we decided to go see Babcock State Park. We first went to the boyscout pancake breakfast at our church and had a nice time eating with the Napier's. We enjoyed sharing whitewater stories and "outdoorsy" stuff. Then it was off to Babcock. We

were shocked to see that the closer we got to Charleston, the less snow there was. Past Charleston, there wasn't any snow on the ground at all. We were a little disappointed because that's one of the reasons we decided to take another one of our adventures to see Babcock in the snow. Luckily for us, there was a little bit of snow for us to see the higher we went. We got some beautiful pictures of waterfalls, Kanawha Falls, huge ice cycles, Babcock, and Summersville Lake completely froze over. Thank goodness nothing really happened on this trip other than our normal laughs and spending time together.
It was so nice being out of the house and seeing so many beautiful sites in our wonderful state of West Virginia!

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