Yesterday we had Caleb and Colton's 3rd birthday party and it was so much fun! We originally were going to have their party at Pump Up The Fun but there were sixteen parties booked for the same day so we decided to have the good ole' fashion kind at home. I think the kind at home are the best ones anyways! The boys had a blast and were so excited to have a party! It made my day to see how excited they were and their precious faces!
We played:
"Pin the tail on the donkey"
"Hot Present"
"Biggest Bubble Blowing Contest"
There were many laughs and it turned out to be a great day for everyone! It's hard to believe how fast they are growing up! They loved all the present they got! I was excited for the new potty chair from Grandma Marcia and the boys love using it because it really flushes and it plays music too. They also like the "big boy" undies that Daddy got for them! Hopefully we're on our way to getting potty training behind us! HAPPY BIRTHDAY CALEB AND COLTON!!!
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